13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
If we make Jesus our priority, we cannot go wrong. Jesus is urging his disciples in today’s Gospel to follow him and follow his ways. This may mean having a cross to bear but this should be seen as a means to get closer to Christ. Jesus also tells his disciples that we should welcome a prophet if he or she comes our way. Who is a prophet? A prophet is someone who is fulfilling their role as a Christian as a result of their baptism. At our baptism we are anointed as priests and prophets and kings. We are priests as we belong to the royal priesthood. We are kings as we belong to the kingdom of God. We are prophets to bring Christ and his Word to others. Our readings last week indicated that a prophet does not always have an easy time of it. It was Jeremiah who was rejected by many because they did not like what they heard. This week it is the prophet Elijah who is at the forefront. It is he who brought the good news of a forthcoming birth. It is we as prophets who bring the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The annual collection for collection for Peter’s Pence takes place today. Our offerings are designated for the Pope’s apostolic charitable ministry.
Next week we have a second collection for Stella Maris, formerly called the Apostleship of the Sea. On Sea Sunday, the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Our support makes a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need. Stella Maris is the largest ship-visiting network in the world, and the official maritime charity of the Catholic Church. Seafarers often have to work away from their families and local communities for nine to 12 months at a time. Across the world, they aim to provide a ‘friend in every port’ and stand alongside seafarers and fishers to ensure their rights are upheld. The network of chaplains and volunteers make more than 70,000 ship visits each year and supports hundreds of thousands of seafarers and fishermen in times of need.
Life at sea can be difficult. Seafarers and fishers can suffer from loneliness, depression, spiritual deprivation and even exploitation. The chaplains and volunteers visit hundreds of thousands of seafarers and fishers every year. They listen and chat, they arrange Mass onboard ships, and they offer practical help in a crisis, and bring free Wi-Fi on board so seafarers can call home. Often, these simplest practical kindnesses make the greatest difference.
Your support will make a big difference to seafarers and fishers in need.
You can donate in church, or by visiting www.stellamaris.org.uk/donate, or by texting ‘SEA’ to 70460 to donate £5. This collection is vital to enable Stella Maris to continue its important work - Thank you.
It has become our practice to invite those for whom the Mass is offered or those who have arranged the Mass to bring up the Offertory gifts. If you would like to do so, please speak to one of the stewards before the Mass.
Our Summer Fayre takes place on Saturday 15th July, between 12 noon and 3pm. There will be Games, Tombola, a bottle stall, Toys, Cakes. Plants, Bric-a Brac Face Painting and several other stalls. There will be plenty of food and drink available. We are looking for volunteers to assist at the stalls, and also helpers to set things up on Friday evening. If you are able to help in any way, please add your name to the list of volunteers at the back of the church. There will be a raffle and raffle tickets will be available after weekend Masses.
Donations of toys, bric a brac, drinks, baked cakes, plants etc. can be brought to the Parish Centre during Office Hours or brought to the Presbytery. Thank you.
The Divine Mercy Apostolate
The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is holding a Divine Mercy Retreat at St Georges RC Church, 970 Harrow Road, Sudbury, Wembley, Middlesex, HA0 2QE on Saturday 8 July 2023 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. The Retreat will include teachings on the Message of Divine Mercy, Holy Mass, Hour of Mercy with Stations of the Cross, Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. Call Millie on 07957594646 for more information
Ask your MP to stop abortion up to birth
The abortion lobby is running a campaign to fully ‘decriminalise’ abortion, which would introduce abortion up to birth!
Right To Life UK has launched an easy-to-use tool on its website which makes it simple for you to send an email to your MP asking them to oppose the introduction of abortion up to birth. Please visit www.righttolife.org.uk/noabortionuptobirth to contact your MP now. It only takes 30 seconds.
Baptism Preparation
There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 16th July at 4pm in the church.
The Universe Catholic Weekly
Since COVID a digital version of the Catholic newspaper, the Universe has been produced instead of a hard copy. But now they have resumed producing the hard print copies and a sample of this can be found on the table in the porch. Please have a look at this and see whether you would like to receive a regular copy of the Universe. Please let us know. We would need to receive at least five people interested for us to go ahead with this venture.
This takes place from 21st to 28th July. Please see the Tangney Tours poster in the church for details and ask one of the priests for an application form if you are interested in going.
CAFOD: update on the conflict in Sudan
Violent conflict continues in Sudan and thousands of people are running out of food, water and medicine. Working as part of the Caritas network, your previous donations to CAFOD are enabling our teams to provide practical help to families who have escaped to neighbouring countries, including South Sudan. Please join Pope Francis in praying for peace in Sudan. Find out more on the CAFOD website: cafod.org.uk/news/emergencies-news/sudan-conflict