26th Sunday of Year B
Whenever we see love, compassion, generosity and kindness, that is an indication that God is present. We may observe people who are not of our faith or have no faith performing good acts. The Lord is present in them because God is love. The message that come through today’s Gospel is that we must not stop or discourage those performing good deeds even if they are not part of our group or community. Christ works in the believer and non-believer alike.
Jesus is also saying that we must not be an obstacle to God’s eternal plan. We must use our hands for the good of all. We must use our feet well by walking towards the right direction and not into what is evil. We must use our eyes well to see what needs to be done and not to observe what is wrong. We must not neglect the poor.
Today we keep the 107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. This year Pope Francis has chosen the theme: ‘Towards an ever wider “we” ’. It is an opportunity to express concern for different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for them as they face many challenges; and to increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers.
The funeral Mass for BENJAMIN SERRA will be on Monday at 9.00am. This is in addition to the 7.30am and 12 Noon Masses on that day.
The funeral Mass of JOHN O’NEILL whose funeral Mass will be on Friday at 10.30am. This will be in addition to the 9.00am Mass that day. His body will be brought to the church at 7.00pm on Thursday . If you wish to attend the Viewing of John, the family have requested you go between 10am and 4pm on Thursday at W.H.Putnam Funeral Directors, 6 Homstall Parade, Burnt Oak. HA8 5HX. It will be a family only viewing between 4pm and 6pm. Please No flowers, if you wish to make a donation to John’s Charities there will be a box at the back of the church. Please remember your face mask.
The number of people attending Mass here last weekend was 387. There will be another count this weekend.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme starts on Tuesday 5th October at 8pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This is primarily for adults who are considering baptism or reception into the Catholic Church as well as for baptised Catholics who would like to prepare for the other sacraments. Anyone else is welcome to join the group, to find out more about our faith. The session on 5th October is an introductory session so you can just come along to see what it is all about. Sessions last an hour and will finish at 9.pm.
CAFOD family fast day
This coming Friday (1st October) is CAFOD Family Fast Day when we are encouraged to give up something and put the money we save towards helping the needy in the Third World. This time the focus is on the Climate Crisis. The poorest and the most vulnerable people in the world are being hit hardest by the climate crisis. Harvests are failing. Cities are flooding. Entire communities are finding it harder and harder to survive in the place they call home. Local experts acting on behalf of CAFOD are reaching the most vulnerable and supporting people who are giving their all to protect our world. Our contributions will help in this massive process. Please take a CAFOD envelope (marked ‘Climate Crisis Appeal’) and return it with your contribution next weekend.
These workshops were under way when COVID lockdown took place in March 2020. We hope to revive them. Vicky Vinegas will be speaking to us at Masses on the weekend of 9th and 10th October about the project.
Foodbank for the community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. This will run until half term16th October and restart again on 1st November.
The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised is on Sunday 14th November at 4pm in the church.
Fr David, thanks all the parishioners who have so kindly given him cards and presents to celebrate his first anniversary of Priesthood last Sunday.
Church Etiquette
We welcome everyone, adults and children and babies to the Annunciation Church. In order for everyone’s attendance at Mass or visit to the church to be comfortable and spiritual, we are making the following requests:
Please sanitise your hands on entry.
Please switch off or turn to silent mobile phones and other electronic devices.
Please arrive at Mass on time to avoid distractions to those already there.
Please keep aisles clear. This is particularly important for the opening and closing procession, for the communion procession and for any emergency evacuation.
Pushchairs should be parked on the left side of the church under the arches or in the space by the middle statues.
At Mass please wait in your bench, for the steward to direct you to come forward for Holy Communion.
When receiving Holy Communion, please consume the host in sight of the priest or minister.
Males are asked to remove any headgear when entering the church.
Please do not consume any food, drink or chewing gum in the church.
Please maintain silence in the church to enable others to pray.
The Sanctuary must be treated with the utmost respect at all times and no person should enter this space unless they have good reason to do so.
Please take a Takehomenews and Mass leaflet home with you.
Unaccompanied children should not approach candle stands at any time.