5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)
“You are the salt of the earth
“You are the light of the world”
Jesus addressed these words to his disciples from the mountainside after he had given the Beatitudes, according to St Matthew’s Gospel. They indicate that we should display our faith in both word and action. We can add something different to any particular situation or any encounter we have in our daily lives. Isaiah’s prophecy in the 1st reading explains that we can do this by sharing our bread with the hungry, sheltering the homeless and clothing the naked. Our task is to ensure that we remain close to the Lord so that the light may continue to shine, so that we do not lose the taste of God’s ways.
Today is Racial Justice Sunday when the Church focuses on the need to oppose racism and pursue racial justice with renewed vigour. The theme this year is ‘All are included in the mission of Christ and his Church. Let us walk together, pray together and work together: It reflects the role each of us must play in promoting the mission of Christ and his Church. This was inspired by conversations around last year’s Racial Justice Sunday and Pope Francis’ visit to Canada in July 2022 when he spoke about looking towards a future of ‘Justice, Healing and Reconciliation.
There will be a second collection after Mass for Racial Justice
Prayer for Racial Justice
God of our past, present and future,
You created each one of us in your image and likeness.
Help us to recognise you in each person
as we pray for an end to suffering caused by racism.
Lead us this day
to walk with one another,
pray with one another,
and work together
so that we will create a future based on justice and healing
and fulfil the hope you have for all peoples.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
First Communion Programme
Today at the at 10.30 Mass the First Communion children will take part in a Celebration Mass. Tomorrow (Monday) there will be a meeting for the parents of these children at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre.
The candidates have their second session on Wednesday at 7pm in the Parish Centre. Then on Saturday there will be a Retreat for the candidates in the Parish Centre. This takes place from 10am to 3pm. Lunch will be provided. Next Sunday the candidates will be enrolled into the programme during the 12 Noon Mass. Their parents are asked to be present at this Mass as well.
The World Day of the Sick will be on Saturday 11th February, the Memoria of Our Lady of Lourdes. There will be a Mass for the sick at Westminster Cathedral at 2.pm, celebrated by the Cardinal during which the Sacrament of the sick will be offered.
If you would like to attend please let us know giving your contact details and telling us into which of the following categories you fall:
1. Wheelchair users who require anointing
2. Walking sick who require anointing.
3. Those assisting the sick who so not require anointing.
Please let us know by today 5th February.
Pope Francis has written a message for the World Day of the Sick, taking the theme ‘Take care of him’. Copies of the message are available on the table at the back of the church.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of CLAIRE PARKER whose funeral Mass will be on Wednesday 15th February at 10.30am. This will be in addition to the 9am Mass that morning but there will be no Holy Hour that Wednesday.
Weddings in 2023
Couples who wish to be married in this church this year or require us to prepare them for marriage elsewhere, please get in touch with Fr Colin or Fr David.
Maintenance Co-ordinator
We are looking for someone who could co-ordinate the maintenance work required on the church premises. It would mean keeping an eye on the structure and efficiency of the various parts of the church, parish centre and presbytery. It would suit someone who is available during the day who could contact the various builders etc. and be around when they come. If you think you could help, please speak to one of the priests
If you have any used stamps please can you put them in the box in the porch. Just leave a border around them. They will go to the Royal National Institute of the Blind.
Flower Arranging
We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. No experience is required. If you would like to help, please speak to Emilia or one of the priests.
Foodbank for the community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.
The Parish Annual General Meeting takes place on Sunday 19th February at 2pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This will be preceded by a shared lunch which will start after the 12 Noon Mass. We will invite you to bring along a dish of food to share. We will provide the drink.
At the AGM we will be looking back at what has happened in the last year and make plans for the coming year and elect a new Parish Council.
If you would like to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please speak first to them and submit their name to Fr Colin by 12th February.