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TakeHomeNews 32nd Sunday of Year A

RCDOW Burnt Oak

32nd Sunday of Year A

‘Stay awake’, ‘Be ready’ - these words we will be hearing a lot in the next few weeks as we move into the Season of Advent. It is the urgent plea that Jesus taught his disciples, often through parables, to be ready for his Second Coming. In the weekend when we are praying for those who have lost their lives at war and in the month when we are praying for all the faithful departed, we are reminded to be ready for the day when the Lord calls us from this world. We can do so with the sentiments of today’s psalm response: ‘For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God’.

Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund

Today’s second collection is in support of the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund of the Diocese of Westminster. This Fund ensures our elderly and sick priests are financially supported in their senior years after a lifetime of service. Our priests baptised us, counselled us in times of sorrow and worry, and celebrated with us in times of joy. Since we have received so much from their generosity, it is now our turn to assist them in their old age. The fund ensures that their housing, medical, convalescence, companionship and spiritual support needs are met. Please be generous. Most priests retire with modest means. In later years their ability to live independently can be adversely impacted because of their declining health, mobility or frailty. There are donation leaflets available at the back of the Church. Please use this leaflet to Gift Aid your donation. You can even use it to set up an ongoing donation to this fund. You can also donate online at Thank you for your generosity.

Rememberance Sunday

Today is Rememberance Sunday when we remember all those who have lost their lives at war. There will be a two minute silence at the time of the Bidding Prayers during the 10.30 Mass.

First Communion Programme

The First Communion children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass during the 10.30 Mass this morning.

Baptism Preparation

Next Sunday there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

Confirmation 2018

Those in Year 10 or above are invited to join the Confirmation Programme. Application forms are available in the porch and should be returned by Sunday 17th December at the latest. Sessions for candidates will start in January. The date of the Confirmation has been fixed for Friday 25th May at 7pm.

Parish Bazaar

Our Parish Bazaar takes place on Saturday between 12 Noon and 3pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. You are invited to bring along any unwanted gifts you have for the tombola, bottles for the bottle stall and donations for raffle prizes, as well as cans and cakes. Please do no leave clothes or electrical goods. Items can be left in the porch of the church or brought straight to the hall from 6pm on Friday. There will be some surprise stalls as well as refreshments, Santa’s grotto and face painting. Children are invited to come in fancy dress with a Christmas theme and there will be prizes for the winners of two groups—Reception to Year 2 and Year 3 to Year 6. Watch out for the posters that the children have prepared advertising this event.

World Day For The Poor

Pope Francis has called us to observe 19th November as the World Day For The Poor. As our contribution to that, we are suggesting you bring items to the church that day to be passed on to the local Foodbank in Colindale. Boxes marked ‘Foodbank’ will be available in the porch of the church.

Food items such as Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Vegetables, Pasta Sauce, Rice Pudding, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Soup. Rice, UHT Milk, small packets of sugar, tea bags, coffee, juice and biscuits will be welcome.

Non—food items are also welcome: Washing Powder, washing up liquid, wipes, razors, toothbrush and toothpaste. Many thanks.

Lately Dead

Please pray for the repose of the soul of James Murphy of Colchester Rd, whose burial takes place on Tuesday.

Junior School Admission Meeting

The Annunciation Junior School will be having their Admissions Meeting on Monday 20th November at 7pm. This will take place in the school itself in The Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2018, including those currently in Year 2 of the Infants School.

Father Colin will be available to sign school forms (including those for the Infants School & Nursery) at the following times in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre:

Tuesday 21st November 3-4pm

Thursday 30th November 3-4pm

Thursday 14th December 3-4pm

Saturday 6th January 12-1pm

Bishop’s Visitation

Bishop John Sherrington will be making a visitation to our parish on the weekend of 9th/10th December. On the Saturday afternoon he will visit some of the sick and housebound in the parish. He will celebrate and speak at all of the Masses over the weekend, and will join us for the Winter Wonderland meal on Saturday evening. After the 12 noon Mass he will bless the new stone sign, to be installed on the wall, dedicating our Parish Centre to Canon Smyth. We will then have a shared lunch in the centre for which we invite you to bring along a dish of food. We will provide the drink. At about 2pm, Bishop John will meet members of the Parish Council & Finance Committee.

Love & Say It With Your Life

Copies of the latest prayer discussions booklet are available in the porch, price £1.50. You can either use it individually, get a group of people together or join Vince Randall’s group, contact 0208 952 6994.

Red Missio Boxes

Thank you to all those who contribute to the missions by using the Red Missio Boxes. When you return the boxes, the money is counted, so please collect the emptied box from the back of the church. Thank you.

Bereavement Mass

This will take place on Friday 24th November at 7.30pm. There will be refreshments in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre afterwards.

Blessing of Graves

The Blessing of Graves at Hendon Cemetery took place last Sunday. As we weren’t given much notice of this, many may have missed out. So if you want to have a grave blessed at Hendon Cemetery, please speak to Fr Colin or Deacon Ronnie and we will make ourselves available on the afternoon of Sunday 26th November at the cemetery.

Sleepout for New Horizon Youth Centre

For the past 6 years young people in the parish have held a campaign to raise awareness of homelessness and the issues that surround it. On the 24th of November young people in the Parish will be sleeping outside the Canon Smyth Parish Centre to continue this campaign and raise funds for New Horizon Youth Centre. This is a Charity that supports young homeless people to overcome their issues in order to secure stable accommodation. To donate and/or find out more please see posters in the Church.

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