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Take Home News - 3rd Sunday of Lent

RCDOW Burnt Oak

3rd Sunday of Lent

Today we hear how Jesus cleansed the Temple by clearing out those who were demeaning his Father’s house by turning it into a market-place. Jesus uses this occasion to explain to the Jews that this sanctuary will be destroyed and in three days it will be raised up. The sanctuary Jesus was referring to was not part of a building, but his own body. Jesus was making another reference to his impending death and resurrection.

Planned Giving Campaign

Last week our parish embarked on a Planned Giving Appeal. Over the coming weeks we ask all parishioners to take this opportunity to prayerfully reflect on their commitment to our parish. Everyone should consider giving something, mindful of their blessings and circumstances. Today you will hear more about Planned Giving and Stewardship, including why our Parish needs financial help to cover our costs. Please take an appeal newsletter.,

Our goal is to receive an informed decision from everyone in the Parish. Next weekend we shall ask all parishioners to complete a promise card—this will enable our Parish to plan ahead with confidence for the future. If you have any questions, there will be volunteers available after Mass today. Thank you.

Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal

A few weeks ago, you may have heard the Cardinal’s Pastoral Letter, in which he spoke of the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal in support of key areas of work in our Diocese. The Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal was set up in 2015 to fund the innovative work of Catholic parishes, schools and charities working within the Diocese, contributing to three fundamental mission areas of the Church: Marriage and Family Life – enriching and supporting marriages, the essential building block of society and the Church. Youth and Evangelisation – supporting young people, the future of the Church, as they grow in their relationship with God and deepen their Catholic faith. And the Church’s Social Outreach within Civil Society – putting our faith into action through projects that serve the poor, the lonely and the marginalised, especially at a time of greater division and inequality in society. These mission areas embody how we live out the Gospel and put our Catholic values into action – in service to others through practical programmes. Please take a Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal donation leaflet as you leave Mass today. During Lent, and in the spirit of sacrifice, sharing and almsgiving, please consider designating your Lenten sacrifice to the Cardinals Appeal. The envelopes can be put in the Lenten Alms box by Our Lady’s altar.

We Adore You O Christ

Copies of the Lenten discussion booklet “We Adore You O Christ and We Praise You” are available in the porch price £2. they can be used individually or you can join one of the discussion groups:

Sheelagh Benson 0208 952 0016

Vince Randall 0208 952 6994

Stations Of The Cross

Stations of the Cross this Friday is at St Alphage Church, in Montrose Ave at 7pm.

Fasting & Feasting in Lent

Fast from discontent

Feast on gratitude

Fast from complaining

Feast on appreciation

Fast from bitterness

Feast on forgiveness

Fast from self concern

Feast on compassion for others

Fast from suspicion

Feast on truth

Fast from idle gossip

Feast on purposeful silence

Fast from unrelenting pressures

Feast on unceasing prayer

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 18th March at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

First Communion Programme

There will be a meeting for First Communion parents on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The children meet next Sunday at 9.15am.

Confirmation Programme

The Confirmation candidates meet again this Wednesday at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Parish Council Meeting

The first meeting of the new Parish Council will be on Thursday 15th March at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Holy Week Arrangements

Next weekend a card will be available giving the arrangements for Holy Week and Easter.

A Day With The Lord

We will be having Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 16th March starting after the 9am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6.30pm. Please sign up for a half-hour slot on the sheet at the back of the church.

Annual Mass for Bereaved Parents

The annual Mass for bereaved parents takes place on Saturday 10th March at 2.30pm in Westminster Cathedral. Parents will be invited to write the names of their deceased children on a card which will be taken up with the offertory. All are welcome.

Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

The Cardinal will be inviting to Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 19th May at 3pm, all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2018. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). Closing date is Sunday 18th March. Thank you and congratulations to those who have already done this.


A bartender asked a guy sitting at the bar “What’ll you have”? The guy answered “A scotch, please.” The bartender gave him the drink and said “$5 please”. The guy answered “ I don’t owe you anything.” A lawyer sitting nearby and overheard the conservation said to the bartender “You know he’s got you there, in the original offer which is a binding contract, you didn’t ask for money.” The bartender was unhappy but said “I let you off this time, but don’t come in here again.” The next day the same guy walked into the bar. The bartender said “I can’t believe you’ve got the nerve to come back” The guy said “I have never been in here in my life.” “Thinking he had made a mistake, the bartender said, “Sorry, you must have a double.” The guy said, “Thanks, make a scotch.”

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