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RCDOW Burnt Oak

2nd Sunday of Lent (A) 8th March 2020

Jesus climbs a mountain with three of his disciples and there he is transfigured, In a few weeks we will contemplate his going up another mountain on which his face will be disfigured. On the first occasion there was a dazzlingly bright light. On the second occasion there was darkness over all the land. The experiences of light help us go through experiences of darkness in our lives. The disciples had to remember the revelation of God’s face in order to confront the Cross. At times we have to remind ourselves and others of God’s blessings in order to stand firm in the moment of trial. We need to be alert to those around us who may need that sort of encouragement.

Collection for CAFOD Fast Day

Last Friday was CAFOD Lent Fast Day and there will be a second collection today in which you can return the envelope or make a donation towards the needy in the Third World. This year our donations are going to highly-trained, highly-skilled local experts around the world who save and support the health of the world’s poorest families.

Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal

This weekend, please take a Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal donation leaflet as you leave Mass. The Appeal contributes to three mission areas of the Church: Marriage and Family Life, Youth and Evangelisation, and Service in Society. With your support, the Cardinal has launched a new programme to alleviate food poverty, which affects people in every part of the Diocese. Your gift could help open up schools during the holidays – a time of hunger for many children who depend on the free meals they get at school. At the new school holiday activity clubs, children can have fun, help make a healthy meal to share, and families take home food to help them through this difficult time. You can support the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal 2020 by donating, volunteering and remembering the work in your prayers. Please visit Cardinals Lenten for more information. Thank you for your generosity. When you have completed the envelope, please put it in the Lenten Alms Box near Our Lady’s Altar. The box will be there throughout Lent for any donations you would like to make.

The Re-dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry

In 1381, in a world of political turmoil, King Richard II, having sought the assistance of Mary, Mother of God, dedicated England to Mary as a gift or ‘dowry’. This year, the Christians of England are invited to offer themselves as a personal gift to her, in one great Re-dedication of England as Mary’s Dowry.

The Re-dedication, agreed by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in November 2017, is the culmination of a National Dowry Tour undertaken by the Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham. The Tour will have taken the Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham to every Catholic English Cathedral promoting prayer through Mary, the message of Walsingham and an understanding of the ancient title of Mary’s Dowry. The final stop of the Dowry Tour will be at Westminster Cathedral from 19th to 22nd March, with a further visit to the Cathedral from 26th to 28th March in preparation for the National Day of Re-dedication on the 29th March 2020.

As a Parish, we are invited to take part in the Re-Dedication in two ways:

1). On the Feast of the Annunciation , our Patronal Feast, Wednesday 25th March, we will make the Angelus Promise together at the 9.00 and at the 7.30PM Masses. The evening Mass will be followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre to which we invite you to bring along a dish of food and we will provide the drink.

2). On Sunday 29th March we will make a Communal Entrustment at all Masses. As a community we renew the vows of dedication made to Mary by King Richard II.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the cross this Friday takes place at St Alphage Church in Montrose Avenue at 7PM.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a session next Sunday at 4PM in the Dominic Room for parents who wish to have their baby baptised. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

First Communion Programme

At the 10.30AM Mass today the First Communion children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass.

Prayer and Life Workshops

These continue Friday evenings at 7.30AM in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

Advice Regarding Coronavirus

We have been issued with some advice regarding the current flu virus:

1. Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.

2. Do not take communion from the chalice if you have cold or flu symptoms.

3. Sanitize your hands before coming into the church.

4. Eucharistic Ministers to sanitize their hands before and after distributing Communion.

5. Wash hands before giving communion in a home.

6. As things stand, there is no need to withdraw communion from the chalice or suspend the sign of peace.

Year of the Word Scripture Quotes

The night is nearly over, day is almost here. Let us stop doing the things that belong to the dark, and let us take up weapons for fighting in the light. Romans 12:13

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. St Catherine of Siena.

Day of Exposition

There will be a Day of Exposition in the Church on Friday 20th March, starting after the 9.00AM Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6.30PM. Please sign up for a half-hour watching period on the sheet at the back of the church. Stations of the Cross will follow at 7.PM.

The Lenten Journey to Easter

The Dominican Sisters invite you to a day of prayer and reflection led by Fr Nicholas King SJ at the Niland Centre on Wednesday 18th March. It begins at 10 am and ends with the celebration of Holy Mass at 2.30 pm. Please bring a packed lunch; refreshments provided. Suggested donation £15.

Thanksgiving for Matrimony

The Cardinal invites couples who are celebrating this year their 5th, 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage to a Mass of thanksgiving in Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 30th May at 3PM. If you are celebrating such an anniversary in 2020 please give Fr. Colin the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email or telephone number. Please submit this information by Sunday 15th March 2020.

The National Novena to St Joseph

Will take place from 10th— 18th March 2020 at St Joseph’s Church in Maidenhead and at Herbert House, Freshfield, Liverpool. Each year the Mill Hill Missionaries prepare for the Feast of St Joseph, their patron, with a special Novena of Masses and prayers to ask for God’s Blessing on their Society and the missionary outreach of the Church, as well as for the intentions of all those who support their work. You are invited to send in your petitions and/or to request a Novena booklet to enable you to join in from home by praying the daily Novena prayer.

Please write to Novena Director, St Joseph’s Missionary Society, 58 Cookham Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7HTor email

All EU, EEA and Swiss citizens living in the UK

Are required by the government to apply through its Settlement Scheme to continue living, working and accessing services here. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2021. Details and links to the application process can be found

Please bring this to the attention of friends, family members and fellow parishioners who may need to apply. Information on assistance for those who may have difficulty applying is available at:

The Catholic Church in England and Wales stands in solidarity with all European citizens who have made their homes here. They are a valued part of our parishes, schools and communities.

St Patrick’s day items are available to purchase in the Repository


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