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Takehomenews Sunday 23 July 2023

RCDOW Burnt Oak

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

Jesus continues with his series of parables in today’s Gospel. Parables are an excellent way that Jesus found to teach the people and many of them relate to the agricultural world for which many of his followers were familiar. Three parables are presented to us today. The parable of the darnel and the wheat reminds us that although there are lots of good people around us, there are some who are not so good. There is a danger that we may be influenced by their wrong doings. Of course there is also a danger that we can influence others by our misdeeds. The point is that we live together, the good and the bad, the wheat and the darnel, and we need to ensure and play our part in enabling a rich harvest is produced. The parable of the mustard seed indicates how something very small can grow into something enormous. The seed that we plant by a small good action can result in a large harvest of people becoming faithful followers of the Lord, The third parable today relates to yeast, another indication of how the kingdom of heaven extends after the smallest of starts.


As announced last week, Fr Eugene Curran CM will be our Parish Priest. He will also be the Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart, Mill Hill, and will reside in the presbytery at Mill Hill. Fr Chinedu Enuh CM will be the Assistant Priest at the Annunciation, residing in the presbytery at the Annunciation together with Fr Ufayissa Dea Madalcho CM


Members of Harrow Mencap will be visiting us today and there will be a second collection to support their work.


The Little Sisters of the Poor will be with us next weekend to make an appeal for their latest project.


There will be no 12 Noon Mass tomorrow (Monday) as Fr David is in Lourdes. There will be a 12 Noon Mass on Monday 31 July but not during August when Fr David is away. The Monday 7.30am Mass will continue to the end of August and from September the Monday Mass will be at 9am as on Tuesdays to Fridays.

Monday 24th July 7.30am only

Monday 31st July 7.30 and 12 Noon

Mondays in August 7.30am only

Mondays from September 9am only


Next weekend’s newsletter will be the final one before taking a summer break in August.


It has become our practice to invite those for whom the Mass is offered or those who have arranged the Mass to bring up the Offertory gifts. If you would like to do so, please speak to one of the stewards before the Mass.

The 13th Annual GK Chesterton Pilgrimage

“The 13th Annual GK Chesterton Pilgrimage will take place on Saturday 29th July. Bishop David Oakley of Northampton will preach at the Mass at 2.30pm at The Bridgettine Convent, Fulmer Common Road, Iver, SL0 0NR. Please send any prayer requests to; or text them to 07795205114. Details of the many different ways in which you can be involved on the day, as well as printable GKC prayer cards can be found on our website,

Flower Arranging

We are very grateful to those who arrange the flowers in the church. However, we do need more flower arrangers to join the rota. No experience is required. If you would like to help, please speak to Emilia or one of the priests.

Westminster Interfaith group

Because of a graduation the Westminster Interfaith group will not meet in July. Archbishop Kevin's talk is postponed to October 18th. The next meeting will be on Sept 20th at 2 pm. Hinsley Room, Morpeth Terrace, SW1 1EN For more details contact John Woodhouse

Gift Aid

We thank all parishioners who are paying by direct debit or envelopes and have signed a Gift Aid Declaration. We ask any parishioner who is a tax payer and donating through the loose plate to please consider donating instead by direct debit or envelope.

Any parishioner who has stopped being a tax payer should inform Susan or Loretta in the office.


If you have any used stamps please can you put them in the box in the porch. Just leave a border around them. They will go to the Royal National Institute of the Blind.



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