Takehomenews Sunday 12 November
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Wisdom to prayerfully await the Lord’s coming. This Sunday’s readings invite us to be ready and...
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Wisdom to prayerfully await the Lord’s coming. This Sunday’s readings invite us to be ready and...
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Humility is indeed the path to divine exaltation. The context of today’s first reading is that God’s...
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Love is all that matters. But Love is very demanding. To live in love and for love, we are...
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A ‘Giving to God what belongs to God.’ In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us to, “Give back to...
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A God has offered all an invitation to an Eternal Banquet of the Lamb Like the king in...
Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A We are Stewards of God’s Grace in Our lives. ...
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A This Sunday’s responsorial psalm tells us that, “Our God is compassion, love and rich in...
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Reconciliation Jesus came to reconcile us with God and with one another. But at the heart of...
A WARM WELCOME TO OUR VINCENTIAN PRIESTS Fr Eugene Curran CM is our Parish Priest. and will continue to reside in Mill Hill Parish. ...
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) We have three more parables in today’s Gospel. The first two– the treasure hidden in the fields and the...
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Jesus continues with his series of parables in today’s Gospel. Parables are an excellent way that...
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) In the coming weeks we will be presented with parables from St Matthew’s Gospel. Today we have the...
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Jesus provides us with the most comforting of messages in today’s Gospel. He invites us to come to Him...
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) If we make Jesus our priority, we cannot go wrong. Jesus is urging his disciples in today’s Gospel to...
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) One might conclude from today's readings that being a prophet or an apostle is not an easy task. ...
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) In today’s Gospel, we see how the crowds felt in desperate need to guide them. Jesus had been doing a...
THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) (A) Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist is presented to us in Chapter 6 of St John’s...
THE MOST HOLY THRINTY (A) Trinity Sunday is a day to give praise to God for his infinite power and His presence among us and for us,...
PENTECOST Pentecost represents the birth of the Church as we know it. The Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles, giving them the power...