Takehomenews Sunday 6 February 2022
5th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Today’s readings centre around the theme of evangelisation, spreading the Good News. As Christians, we...
5th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) Today’s readings centre around the theme of evangelisation, spreading the Good News. As Christians, we...
4th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) When Jesus claimed that he was the fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy on the one to bring the Good News to...
3rd SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (C) The word of God is given prominence in our readings today, which is most appropriate as today is the...
2nd SUNDAY of ORDINARY TIME The happenings at the Marriage Feast of Cana were significant in that according to St John., Jesus turning...
THE BAPTISM OF TH4 LORD (C) Today’s feast day marks the conclusion of the Christmas Season as such Tomorrow we move into a period of...
THE HOLY FAMILY 26th December On the day after Christmas, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The Holy...
4th Sunday of advent (C) Today’s Gospel is the account of Mary’s Visitation to her cousin Elizabeth who also is with child. The passage...
3RD Sunday of advent (C) An element of Joy creeps into our liturgy today, Gaudete Sunday. We have reached the middle point of our Advent...
2ND Sunday of advent (C) The message that echoes through our liturgy today is ‘prepare a way for the Lord’. Our Advent task is to...
1st Sunday of advent (C) Happy New Year! Today we start a new year in the church’s calendar as Advent begins. The coming of Christ can...
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe The New Testament is in no doubt about the ultimate kingship of Jesus Christ, but St John’s...
33rd SUNDAY OF YEAR B We are approaching the end of the Church’s Year and at this time and as we move into Advent, we turn our minds to...
32nd SUNDAY OF YEAR B Our readings today relate to two widows. Both are poor. Both have little to give. But both give all they have to...
ALL SAINTS Today’s Feast Day presents us with an opportunity to reflect on the lives of all those who have completed their journey to the...
29th Sunday of Year B James and John were close followers of Jesus and were hoping that this would mean that they would earn a privileged...
27th SUNDAY OF YEAR B Jesus gives us a lot to think about in today’s Gospel. He speaks especially on behalf of married women and of...
26th Sunday of Year B Whenever we see love, compassion, generosity and kindness, that is an indication that God is present. We may...
25th SUNDAY OF Year B The background theme throughout St Mark’s Gospel is that of discipleship, being a good follower of Jesus. In...