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RCDOW Burnt Oak

15th Sunday of Year C

Today our Gospel is the Parable of the Good Samaritan. One of the points that Jesus wanted to make in relating this parable is that love has no boundaries. The love of our neighbour does not stop short when we are dealing with a person of a different nationality, culture race or language. The Samaritan traveller who cared for the man who had been left beaten and penniless, making sure he was looked after is a lesson in love and compassion and understanding. It is appropriate that this is the day we celebrate our multiculture with an International Mass and party.

International Mass and Party

Today we have our International Mass at 12 noon. The Bidding Prayers will be said in different languages and we will sing the Creed in Latin. At the beginning of Mass, we invite children to join the opening procession carrying their national flags. After Mass there will be a party in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre which will include a barbecue and international food.

Sea Sunday

Today is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. Without them we would not have most of the items we buy in the shops. Today’s second collection is for Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea), the Church’s official maritime welfare agency. It supports seafarers both practically and spiritually. This collection is vital to enable it to continue its work, so please give generously and remember seafarers in your prayers. Thank you. To donate online please visit

Prayer for Seafarers

O Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean, guide seafarers across all dark and stormy seas, that they may reach the haven of peace and light prepared in Him who calmed the sea. As we set forth upon the oceans of the world and cross the deserts of our time, show us, O Mary, the fruit of your womb, for without your Son we are lost. Pray that we will never fail on life’s journey, that in heart and mind, word and deed, in days of turmoil and in days of calm, we will always look to Christ and say, “Who is this that even wind and sea obey him? Our Lady of Peace, pray for us! Bright Star of the Sea, guide us!

First Communions in 2020

If your child is starting Year 3 or above in September and would like to receive First Holy Communion next year, please take an application form from the porch and return it to the presbytery by 16th September at the latest. Application forms cannot be accepted after this date.

The Annunciation Catholic Infants School

There are Nursery and School places still available for September 2019. If you would like to know more please visit our website at, or call for an appointment to visit and see for yourself on 020 8959 2325. We look forward to welcoming you to the school.

Petitions for Lourdes

If you would like our Four:12 Lourdes Group to place any petitions at the Grotto for you, please put them in the box at the back of the church or hand them in to Frances Doyle by Sunday 14th July. Please do not include any money with your petitions – for example, to have candles lit or a Mass said – as they will placed in the petitions box at the Grotto before being burned, unopened. We will be lighting candles and having a Mass said for the intentions of our parish and our fellow parishioners whilst we are in Lourdes.

Recently Dead

Please pray for PETER MACLEAN of Brinkburn Gardens, who died on 1st July. He was our oldest parishioner, having celebrated his 100th birthday in February. His funeral Mass will be on Friday, at 11.15am and his body will be brought to the church on Thursday at 6pm. Also please remember THOMAS FINBARR O’LEARY whose cremation takes place on Wednesday.

Thanks from the White Fathers

Fr John Gerrard has written to thank us for the recent appeal for the White Fathers (The Missionaries of Africa). The total amount of £653.40 was greatly appreciated. The donations are very important, both for the training of Missionary students and for their pastoral work in Africa.

Baptism Preparation

The next session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 15 September at 4pm in the Dominic Room. Application forms can be collected from the sacristy.

RCIA Sessions

Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception in the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 08 October at 8.p.m., upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this or you may like to introduce them to Fr. Colin.

The Passage Garden Party Friday 19 July 2019

Please support the excellent work which The Passage does for homeless people in Central London, by attending The Passage annual Garden Party in the beautiful and historic College Garden, Westminster Abbey on Friday 19 July, from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Tickets at £45 each, include wine, soft drinks, buffet supper and live music. Tickets are available online through Eventbrite

Diocesan Jobs

Please visit our website at where you can view all vacancies. New vacancies will continue to be added to the website as and when they arise, so please check the website regularly for updates.

Accommodation required

A 2—3 Bedroom flat is being sought for a family of 3 in the Mill Hill/Burnt Oak area. Please contact Barbara on 07737230426.

Catholic History Walks


Monday 15th July, 3pm. Find out why St James' Park is so named. Learn the story of St Edward the Confessor and the monks at Thorney Island, and see the place where St Thomas More was tried. Meet at Westminster Cathedral.


Wednesday, 24th July, 7pm. From Richmond, with its varied Tudor history, we walk along the river to Grey Court House, the childhood home of Bl John Henry Newman. Meet at St Elizabeth's Church, The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AQ. Nearest station, tube, and overground: Richmond.


Sunday, 28th July, 3pm. From Richmond, with its varied Tudor history, we walk along the river to Grey Court House, the childhood home of Bl John Henry Newman. Meet at St Elizabeth's Church, The Vineyard, Richmond, TW10 6AQ. Nearest station, tube, and overground: Richmond.

Jam, Cakes, History, Heritage, Evangelisation

9th to 11th August. A weekend in Walsingham with our lead guide, Joanna Bogle, exploring Catholic culture and history, and how to use it to evangelise. For more details email


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