Third Sunday of Advent Year C 2024
Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday
The third Sunday of Advent is called the Gaudete Sunday because we are invited to rejoice. Thus, the entrance antiphon says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Indeed, the Lord is near.” This Sunday marks a joyful milestone as we near the celebration of Christ’s birth. The pink advent candle lit this Sunday symbolises the lightening of mood as Christ, the True Light, draws closer, infusing into our lives a joy that dispels fear and anxiety.
Prophet Zephaniah reminds us of the renewal and victory brought by God’s presence. He urged us to find reasons to rejoice amid life's challenges. Thus, he envisions God dancing and rejoicing over his people. To remain joyful, St Paul encourages us to bring our worries to God through prayers and thanksgiving, so that God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, may guard our hearts and minds.
As we prepare for Christ’s coming, today’s Gospel calls us to repentance and to live in love as we await the fulfilment of God’s promises.
Though worries may endure for a while, prayers, gratitude and reliance on God will fill us with God’s peace. As we pray and rejoice, may God’s grace enable us to await the Lord’s coming with joyful hearts. “Rejoice in the Lord always, for the Lord is near.”
You can access Fr Chinedu's full audio reflection on Purifying Word or Spotify.
Happy Sunday Fr Chinedu
Mary’s Meals is a charity that sets up school feeding programmes in communities where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education. Their Volunteers will speak after Masses Today. There will be a second collection
Please return the form to the presbytery by TODAY 15th December.
Senior Citizens’ Christmas Lunch
This takes place Today (15th December) at 1pm in the Canon Smyth Parish .
ADVENT SERVICES 2024 Annunciation church
Weekly reflection 7pm-8pm Friday 20th December
Our parish Christmas carol service will be on Sunday 22nd December at 6:30 PM in the Church. Please, support this parish event with your presence.
Choir Practice
There will be a Choir practice on Wednesday 18th December at 7 PM in Church. This is in preparation for our Christmas celebration. All our parish choristers are welcome.
Crossover (Midnight) Mass
There will be an End-of-Year Crossover Mass on Tuesday 31st December. Come with Friends and families. Let us enter the new year 2025 with a Eucharistic celebration and Prayerful declarations.
At the 6.30 Mass on Christmas Eve, the readings will be read by children and there will also be a presentation of the Nativity. Those who would like to take part– either actors or readers— are asked to give their name and parent/carer’s contact details in at the Repository. There will be a rehearsal for those taking part immediately after the 10.30am Mass on Sunday 22nd December.
Please take a card giving the times of services over the Christmas period. This doubles as our Christmas card to you. Please note that the night Mass on Christmas Eve will be at 10pm this year.
This year will be applied to the Catholic Children’s Society for the relief of poverty among the people of our Diocese and country.
Winning ticket numbers of unclaimed prizes - 843, 502, and 105.
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 5th January at 4pm in the church.
Father Colin wishes you all a very Happy Christmas and a Holy New Year. I continue to remember you in my prayers and sometimes join you at Mass by livestream.
The SVP are distributing over 10,000 homeless packs (Vinnie Packs) during the extreme cold weather.. Please could you consider sponsoring packs at a suggested donation of £4.10 per pack? Donations can be sent to Vinnie Packs, PO Box 72264, London SW1P 9EZ with cheques made out to SVP or by bank transfer to Nat West sort code 60-60-04, account no. 4608 8237 . Thank you so much for your support.
The sanctuary area is continuously monitored via livestream, serving as a focal point for prayer and contemplation for congregants who are at home. Please be aware that if you are present in this area, your image and actions may be captured on livestream. The parish will endeavour to comply with the diocesan guidelines on live streaming as well as General Data Protection Regulation. Please sign a printed copy and return the form to the parish office, to indicate your consent to broadcast your image as part of the parish live stream. Please pick up our livestream consent form from the back of the church. To be completed by altar servers, eucharistic ministers, lectors, and other volunteers (or their guardian if under 18) who will appear on the parish livestream. Completed forms must be returned to the parish.