Takehomenews Sunday 15 January 2023
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) John the Baptist gained many followers when he was preaching about baptism for forgiveness of sins and...
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) John the Baptist gained many followers when he was preaching about baptism for forgiveness of sins and...
THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD (A) We have jumped 30 years from the scene of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem to his baptism on the banks of the...
CHRISTMAS The church is blessed with 4 different Masses for Christmas. The readings for the Vigil Mass (which we celebrate at 4pm and...
4th SUNDAY of ADVENT (A) On the final Sunday before Christmas, we usually focus on Mary and her ordeal leading up to the birth of Jesus....
3RD SUNDAY of ADVENT (A) Today we have a little interlude on our Advent journey. It is Gaudete Sunday—a day of rejoicing in the middle...
2ndSUNDAY of ADVENT (A) A key character on our Advent Journey is John the Baptist. He is the one who prepared the way for the...
1st SUNDAY of ADVENT (A) Happy New Year! Today we start a new year in the Church’s calendar, the Year of Matthew: The first part of...
CHRIST THE KING ( C ) We have reached the climax of our liturgical year and so celebrate the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the...
33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Some of the things that Jesus said would happen would have been quite shocking to his hearers. In...
32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Belief in the resurrection is at the centre of our faith. And yet, it is the most difficult thing to...
31st SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Today we have a story of conversion, that of Zacchaeus. We might wonder at what moment Zacchaeus was...
29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Our readings today are encouraging us to persevere in prayer. In the first reading, we have the...
28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Leprosy is a terrible disease. It affects the skin and many people can be deformed as a result....
26th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Today we are presented with a parable that is a stark wake-up call to those who are oblivious of the...
25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) The parable of the dishonest steward may seem somewhat confusing when the steward was praised for his...
18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) In today’s Gospel, Jesus is warning his disciples to be on their guard against avarice of any kind. ...
17 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Today’s readings focus on prayer, but particularly on petitionary prayer. Abraham makes a plea to God to...
16 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha and Mary may have seemed an insignificant event in Jesus’ ministry. ...